If there is no error, you can add it to the job schedule as a routine task. 如果没有错误,那么可以将它作为一个例程任务添加到任务调度中。
Create a job schedule. 生成一个工作进度表。
Formulate and arrange related job schedule planning report. 制定及安排相关工作进度计划表。
A Design-for-Test of Job Schedule Algorithm 应用于作业调度算法的可测试性设计
The text expatiates three important factors of influence project construction: job schedule and project quality and secure production. 重点论述工程进度、工程质量和生产安全是影响工程建设的三大重要因素。
How to Control Quality Well for Supervisor in Case of Quickening Job Schedule 监理如何在加快工程进度时搞好质量控制
Though the analysis of the characteristics of CFD jobs, user computing resource and commercial job schedule system, a job schedule system which achieves the remote-computing in shared directory has been made. 针对目前CFD行业中计算作业的特点、用户计算资源状况和使用特点,以及对现有相关作业调度系统的分析研究,设计出采用共享目录方式进行远程计算的作业调度系统。
This paper has made the research thoroughly on the job schedule policy and algorithm in the NPC system. 本文就NPC系统的任务调度策略与调度算法进行了较为深入的研究。
This paper presented one distributed architecture model of electric power automatization schedule and monitor center. Two distributed job schedule algorithms ( ADS and LFS) based on this model were designed and implemented, and the algorithm performance was tested also. 本文提出了针对电网自动化调度监控中心的分布式结构模型,并在此模型上设计和实现了两种高可靠的分布式任务调度算法&ADS算法和LFS算法。
In cluster computing and Grid computing environment, job schedule is related to the performance of system, and it is a very important issue. 无论是在集群环境下还是在网格环境下,作业调度都关系到了高性能计算的性能,是一个相当重要的问题。
The application of fuzzy set theory in shop job schedule is discussed. Give the fuzzy multi objective net model and algorithm of the shop job schedule. 讨论了模糊集理论在车间作业计划中的应用,提出了车间作业计划的模糊多目标网络模型及其算法。
Introduce a method of combined programming Visual C++ and Matlab which successfully used in Job Schedule Problems. 介绍了Visualc++与Matlab的混合编程方法及其在车间调度问题上的成功应用。
This paper introduces the job schedule using task schedule package built-in Oracle 10g's DBMS_SCHEDULER. 介绍了应用Oracle10g新提供的DBMSSCHEDULER内置任务调度程序包进行的作业调度。
The grid information service, which is a vital part for any grid environment, provides a real-time image for grid resources and is a precondition for grid job schedule and job execution. 网格信息服务提供对网格环境的一个真实、实时的反映,是确保网格任务执行和资源分配的重要前提。
The job management, job schedule and resources management are three basic functions of the grid computing, at the same time they are have the most values for grid computing research. 资源管理、任务调度和任务管理是网格计算中需要具备的三种基本功能,同时它们也是网格计算中最具有研究价值的三个方面。
Introduced the job schedule management system and the automatic operation system and the tools, and how to implement the system. 介绍了作业自动运行管理系统的实施,作业自动调度和自动操作管理系统及工具。
Research on the SGE-based Simulation Grid and Job Schedule 基于SGE的仿真网格及其作业调度研究
To evaluate job schedule on computational grids, the model of grid workload is constructed. 为评估计算网格中的作业调度,建立了网格工作负荷模型。
This automatic testing system is according to the principle of job schedule system, constituted of control machined and agent machine. 该自动化测试系统的设计参照作业调度系统的设计思想,由控制主机和执行主机构成,将测试用例视为自动化测试系统的作业。
The paper explains the integrated designing system structure of CAPP job schedule on the environment of agile manufacturing, analyzes the relations and the functions of CAPP job schedule for agile manufacturing, clarifies the system development methods and key techniques. 论述了在敏捷制造策略下CAPP与车间作业计划集成设计系统的体系结构,分析了CAPP与车间作业计划之间的关系以及该集成技术对敏捷制造的作用,同时阐明了系统的开发思路及其关键技术。
Computer simulation on a complicated circular queuing system and application on job schedule 一类复杂循环排队系统的计算机模拟及其在进程调度中的应用
Research on Supply Chain Job Schedule in E-Business 电子商务中供应链任务调度问题的研究
Research of Job Schedule System in Cluster and Grid Environment 集群和网格环境下作业调度系统的研究
In view of genetic algorithm application at the job schedule of dispatcher, combining to workshop dispatcher of JIT research of improving is made. 针对遗传算法在生产计划调度上的应用,结合JIT下的车间调度进行了改进研究。
Based on the former works done by others, this dissertation firstly investigates the essential issues of job schedule in cluster and Grid environment, compares some representatives of Cluster Job Management system software and grid scheduling systems. 通过总结了前人的工作,系统地研究了集群和网格中作业调度的关键问题和具有代表性的集群作业管理系统和网格调度系统。
The look? ahead and accurate predict and forecast and the timely preventive measure guaranteed safe production, accelerated job schedule and acquired favorable benefit. 由于超前准确的预测、预报,及时采取了预防措施,保障了安全生产,加快了工程进度,取得了良好的效益。
Job schedule is a key research subject in computing grid. 作业调度是计算网格中一个关键性的研究课题。
Get along subject for proceed analyses identify out impact Guangzhou underground construction project job schedule 'major factor with secondly versus engender Guangzhou underground construction work. 其次,对造成广州地铁建设工程进展不顺的原因进行分析,识别出影响广州地铁工程建设项目工程进度的主要因素。
This paper offers a load balancing algorithm for quick Ant Algorithm on basis of breadth-first-search and that is based on the results of researching for the grid job schedule algorithm with the characteristics of grid. 其中蚂蚁算法是解决这类问题的有效算法,本文针对网格所具有的特性,在研究分析计算网格作业调度算法现有成果的基础上,提出了一种基于广度优先遍历的负载均衡快速蚁群算法。
In this paper, the problem of advance reservation is divided into admission control and job schedule two parts and each part is described in detail. 文中将作业的提前预留分为接纳控制和作业调度两个部分,并对这两个部分作了详细的介绍。